Work is continuing at Dorton and Caldwell Park and the renovations at the McInnis Aquatic Center are making progress!
During the January City Council meeting, our Parks and Rec staff shared an update on all the bond projects. You can view the meeting here.
Dorton Park
As consturction nears the final stages, we're still on track for an April 2025 reopening for Dorton Park. The Afton Run stream restoration, tennis courts, multi-purpose field, shelters, restroom expansion, greenways, and the parking lot expansion are all complete! We're working to finish the sidewalk paving and railings, landscaping, and the disc golf course. We're excited for the new Gametime playground to be installed next month!
Pcitured below: Crews install sidewalks at Dorton Park
Pictured below: the new restroom at Dorton Park

Academy-Gibson McInnis Aquatic Center
Excavation is now complete at the McInnis Aquatic Center and materials have been ordered. Next steps will include plaumbing work, replacing the main drain, and resurfacing the area of the pool. We aticipate the aquatic center to reopen in spring 2025, ahead of the summer swimming season!
Pictured below: Excavation at the McInnic Aquatic Center

Caldwell Park
Construction is officially underway at Caldwell Park! Crews have installed construction fencing around the worksite and demolishion has started. First, their working to address stormwater control run-off near Irish Buffalo Creek. We anticipate the park will reopen in summer 2026.
Pictured below: Construction underway at Caldwell Park

Pictured below: Demolistion at Caldwell Park

Pictured below: Stormwater work at Caldwell Park

Pictured below: Construction fencing installed at the Caldwell Park construction site